We had to put our dog to sleep. I told both boys about her having to go to heaven, and how she could chase all the squirrels she wanted in heaven, and can play with our old dog Daisy who is up there. They were sad at first, but then we started joking about the never ending cookie supply in heaven, and they laughed some. The technical detail follow up question from the 7 year old got me. Daniel:"Mom, so where is her skeleton?" Thinking of how to describe cremation to a scientifically curious but tender soul 7 year old. Me:"Well Daniel her skeleton went through something call cremation. They have a special box they put it in, that heats the skeleton up very high, to the point it tuns into a powder. Then they take that powder and use it to fertilize the ground to plant trees." 7 year old, "Oh, OK mommy, that's neat." Whew... it was an acceptable answer.