6 year old: Hey mom, do you know there is a type of bird that has been around since the dinosaurs?
Me:Oh yeah, which one?
6 year old: The 'raptor', a type pf raptor has been around since dinosaur times. Mom, raptors are realted to the dinosaur velociraptors, get it mom, 'raptor' is
the 'veloci-raptor' but without the 'veloci-'.
Me: Cool, good job thinking about how compound words are made.
Addition and words and dinosaurs combined, good times.
Me:Oh yeah, which one?
6 year old: The 'raptor', a type pf raptor has been around since dinosaur times. Mom, raptors are realted to the dinosaur velociraptors, get it mom, 'raptor' is
the 'veloci-raptor' but without the 'veloci-'.
Me: Cool, good job thinking about how compound words are made.
Addition and words and dinosaurs combined, good times.