The 5 year old and I were playing with his Lego ninjas before school. We had the bad guy cornered, and his Lego ninja took out his sword to finish off the bad guy. He 'sliced' the Lego villain from top to bottom, very carefully down his midline; and then to be sure he was defeated, he sliced him from left to right across his belly. The 5 year old then exclaims 'You are defeated, I cut you in 4'. Me: "Yes, you did slice him into 4 pieces' Great to know he has his fractions down, even if it is through ninja slicing. I will have to find more ways to introduce math in creative play, much more effective than memorization.
Helmets and bicycles. So we have a skate park in town in a public park. Saturday and Sunday mornings, around 9:00am, the 'big kids' are not there yet. So we take the boys on their balance bikes. This week we took them into the 'swimming pool' for the first time on their bikes. They loved it. Saw the 5 year old doing some great experimentation with speeds and the steep wall versus the gradual wall on his balance bike. Also, there were some great friction lessons with the bike tires sliding down, will have to think about a follow up lesson for him on this one. The 3 year old tried a bit too, but was not quite ready to let gravity take over without his feet touching the ground. Sometimes you have to strap the helmets and wrist guards on tight, and let the kids experiment, with a small internal prayer that they will learn and evolve with minimal brusing.
February 2014
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