The boys were playing a 'Cat in the Hat' PBS online game where they travel to planets. The Cat chose to go to Jupiter. Daniel, throws his hands up in the air, "Jupiter, now why would you travel to Jupiter cat, it is covered in Storms!" I love how this kid collects knowledge from here and there and pieces stuff together.
Daniel was reading a Captain Underpants book, and in the story a villain goes back in time before anything existed in the universe. It showed the villain on a black book page for the empty universe. Daniel: "Huh, that's not what I thought an empty universe would look like, it should not be a black page, I thought it would look clear, with nothing behind it, just clear as far as the eye could see, before anything existed... you can see black as a color, it exists, it should be completely clear!".
After dinner on the back porch, the 5 year old comes inside and says "Mommy, I have to tell you something, the plants, the plants told me 'we are so thirsty, please help us drink some water'... can Daniel and I use the super soakers so the plants can have something to drink?"
Who could say no to such a creative request? They are running around the backyard 'watering the plants', although I hear a lot of brother watering going on as well. I was getting the 6 year old ready for piano by clipping his nails and having him wash his hands. I looked at his nails before I clipped them, they had significant dirt underneath them. So I jokingly asked him "So, were you digging a hole on the playground by hand, or what today?"
He answered, "Yes, actually I dug three holes, we were making a whole series of them, so when it rains the holes connect together and the rain will flow from hole to hole." Me: "Oh, ok, cool!"... begin clipping dirty nails. So the 4 year old comes running out of the toy room last night crying, "Mommy, he called me unnecessary!"
(I had sent them both in there to clean up the toys). I go in to ask the 6 year old what happened. He was so scientifically matter of fact about it. 6 Year old: "Mom, he was not helping clean up the toys so I told him he was unnecessary, he wasn't helping ... so he was not necessary here!". I am not sure the 4 year old knows what 'unnecessary' means in that context, or if he thought he was being called a name, but my little one was not happy about the scientifically accurate situational labeling from his big brother. Setup: We have been reading a kids book on the periodic table which includes facts about each element.
Tonight: I am telling the boys a bedtime story where they are traveling on a train inside a mountain, and they happen upon 2 dragons they have to defeat. I ask each of them what weapon they will use to defeat their dragon. 4 Year Old: "I will use my Moose Poop Gun!" So in the story I have him launch moose poop at the dragon, who accidently ignites the poop, and burns himself up in the process. Now it is his brother's turn to select his weapon again a dragon. 6 Year Old: "I will use my Mercury Bazooka!" "I will poison the dragon with the element Mercury!" Well, I guess he was paying attention to the periodic table book details after all. 6 Year Old: "Mom, the word 'mastered' means you have become really good at something, you have become an expert!"
Me: "You are correct, it does, can you use it in a sentence?" 6 Year Old: "I have mastered building with Legos" Me: "You certainly have!" |
February 2014
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